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School Of Promise Project

PhillNRich Kids Foundation Inc. has been

organized to conduct educational programs for children and youth in need. Specifically, the organization will provide tutors/mentors for students in need and opportunities to serve others in their communities, beginning in the Dallas/Fort Worth and Houston, Texas. In doing so, PNRKF will ensure these youth are provided opportunities to improve their education and benefit those in need, thus improving their chances for success in life.

Phill N Kids Foundation needs your help. We are seeking donations to help purchase shoes and clothes for our kids doing great things in school. We typically buy those children's clothes and shoes. A $75 donation could help put a smile on one of our children's faces. Please consider donating to us.

We are so happy you’re interested in getting involved with our work here at Phill N Rich Kids Foundation. There are so many ways for you to help, and we genuinely appreciate every effort. By lending your support, you’ll become a valuable part of our Nonprofit Organization and help to strengthen our operations.

Furthering our cause is the most crucial goal of our organization. We seek to support, empower, and provide high-quality resources to our community in a safe and secure environment. Our success isn’t measured in terms of wealth or profit margin, but by the value, we provide to those we serve.

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